Patient Expectations
West Elk Wellness treatments are specifically tailored to each patient's needs to ensure they receive the best approach for them. I love helping Colorado patients get to see nature's incredible healing power!
In a typical first visit, I will ask you about family history, personal history, history of your chief complaint, past and present environmental exposures, and a complete review of all your body systems to get a more holistic view of your health. We discuss food, hydration, sleep, movement, relationships, and spiritual practices. Naturopathic medicine works best when we (you and I) work together to create a plan that may include bodywork to help you feel better immediately, creating new health habits, botanical medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, supplementation, and a good attitude. This medicine takes some work to help you begin experiencing your life free from the burden of health issues. We may order additional testing and lab work to be reviewed at the next visit. We will review functional objective data taken during this first visit at the follow-up.

First Follow-Up Visit
We review lab information such as the Carroll food intolerance evaluation, the bolen blood analysis, and the urinary indican test. Ideally, we have ordered basic blood work for us to review. This is the visit where I will prescribe targeted supplements. Self-study includes a weekly review of nutrition to be reviewed at the next visit.
Second Follow-Up Visit
We review your last week of nutrition and determine where you need additional guidance to get your diet dialed into your needs. Address additional complaints unrelated to the chief complaint that brought you to see Dr. Keller.